Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Quick update

My arms are stiff and tired - hard to type. Boxing class was fun last night. It's more complicated that I knew (awesome). My footwork sucks so far, but it was my first day. I also suck at the seed bag (but again, first day). The focus ball thing, for training with a moving target, I did pretty well on. Of course I always liked heavy bags. If I forget to keep my body turned correctly the dude jabs me in the belly.
fun fun fun!

I overdid the tanning bed. Instead of pasty-white, I am now quite red. My face is ok, though. I cover my face most of the time I'm in there so I don't end up looking a billion years old.

I made some beet soup last night and it's tasty. Lotsa big hunks of beef in it, too. I lika da beef. :D

I have no clean laundry, have not paid my bills or balanced my checkbook, need to clean my home, have to write a story (about 15 pages? I forgot - have to check syllabus), have a research project and essays due, and really need to get some sleep before I keel over. I'm also behind at work. I could SO just fall asleep right now. I could sleep through an air-raid right now. Oh, mean world... just let me SLEEP!!!! If I had the time, I bet I could even sleep now.

Good news: I get to see Sin City with a few of the guys, Friday. Yippee! I get my babies Saturday (my neices). Sunday I'll be busy trying to catch up on my out-of-control life. :P


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