Monday, March 07, 2005

This is me.

1) Yes, I’m crazy. Being a sane person in a sea of blind humanity will drive anyone nuts.
2) Yes, I say too much. I say it all. 100% truth. Try it.
3) Yes, I’m manic depressive, and yet I do a better job of laughing at life than 90% of the world. –what’s that say about the “normal” people, eh?
4) yes, I am the horniest woman ever. Judge me if you like, but I control it better than many women with less drive than I have, so perhaps that says something worth respecting. At least if I had the right man, he’d be happy and healthy (LOTS of exercise).
5) I am an idiot when it comes to reading hints. Why? because I don’t play games. If you have anything worth saying, you’ll spit it out. If it aint worth you sayin’, it aint worth me guessin.
6) P.C. my ass. If you can’t laugh at yourself, don’t worry… I’ll do it for you. I don’t have my fun at others’ expenses, but I have no respect for pretense or self-importance. We are all funny. Some people just want to be offended and they can kiss my lilly-white derriere.
7) compassion, honesty, laughter… try them
8) A man once in my life told me that “bubbly” was better than “introspective and sincere”. That is one trait trade-off I will never make. If anyone thinks I should make that trade, refer to the last few words of item 6.
9) I believe children should be seen and heard.
10) I’m not beautiful and I’m not super-healthy, but I have a radiant (albeit ragged) soul.
11) I don’t retain impressive trivia well; I excel more at analytical thinking. Fools may respect me less for this, but at least it shows I value learning for the sake of understanding, not for the sake of showing off. I’m driven by true curiosity, not ego.
12) I love my friends. They can take their time loving me back because they’re worth it.
13) I love my family. I have the coolest father to walk the earth, a genius sister, brilliant nieces, great brother in law, an awesome aunt I haven’t seen in a while, etc…
14) I am not a feminist. I’m an equalist. Most feminists are sexist pigs. Most are looking for excuses for pseudo-righteous indignation. I do indeed have a problem with the way I am treated sometimes because of being a woman, but this would be better remedied by showing the world we are all people, not by re-writing bibles with female gods or by dogging men.
15) I admit, I do dog men. I crack jokes on male mentality all the time. I really need to ease up on that. But, in all fairness, I’m the first to laugh at blonde jokes. And when my cousin said “Hey, I support women’s lib… ‘cause I believe in helping the weaker sex.” I laughed my tail off. Yes, it’s sexist, but it’s just a joke and a frickin funny one.
16) I am a nerd. I am proud to be a nerd. All the coolest people I know are also nerds. I may even be growing in nerdiness, since I did not discover the great joy of comic books until the past year. Grow, people… embrace your nerdhood.


Blogger shinanos said...

Nerds all welcome.
Actually me too, too much in trouble with non-native languages.

Yea I'm a lingistic nerd, I think.
But I love learning something from oveaseas: sometimes my country really suck to me.

Feminist - I don't meant to be I'm in that kinda group, but actually I need to escape from dogs diggin' on me - that's why I love my current lifestyle as a single.

Yeah, I made mistakes and errors a lot: I am just tired with fallin' in love with foreign elder guys & ended in vain mostly. As for my countries' J-meeks, I always gave a damn-fuck to escape from their restraints - just wanna utilize me as their E/J translator of their own, or prostitute. Fuckin' damn-fool past of me. So I love this way. Just as the same, this is me.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

**Stands and claps til her hands are numb**

10:55 PM  
Blogger RahX said...

I think i'm a dork, not so much a nerd. I'm a bit too hip to be a nerd.

Well, so I think anyway.

11:57 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

Rahx: Our definitions must differ. To me a Dork is one with the uncoolness typically associated with nerdom, but without the fun nerd-interests and brainyness.

Shina: I never thought about that, but I guess you would have a problem with men wanting to use you for your language skills, considering how useful that would be. that would be annoying.

9:13 AM  
Blogger shinanos said... me nationalities not so much come as a big problem...but I tend to loved by such foreigners or Japanese guys just wanna keep me as a translater. It really annoys me a lot, so I'm tired...! In honest I'm NOT popular among JAPANESE people, but for NON-Japanese...since I began to use non-native language for my works - hah tired to deal with [full] of them - some really annoyed and actually I swepted my friend's friend wanted me to be his Japanese teacher. He really suck. All of the guy's bloggin' ideas, he sneak into others' and actually from mine & my links bloggers...So I got furious 'bout it & gave a shite to the busted. The DORK from CA, rooted in Vietnam. Uhh, the thing more worse is that the guy's friend is nice + just an aquintence of him, have never met before...fuck.I love my area's foreign blogmates, but actually NOT for her DORK dog & friends. Juat fooled on by every CA team + somehow settled down, supported by Niigata Gaijin gals... *sigh*

...Tre, you should not call yrself as a DOAK, don't be belittle yourself pansy-friend!! Yea, now I'm a bit pansy now...but somehow back to work again.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Hope Happens said...

Found this particular blog really interesting since I was saying 'yes that describes me'to almost all of it.

I'm obviously not a horny woman....
and I'm not going to judge because I think if people spent less time judging others, and more time dealing with their own crap then we would all be a lot happier!!

I agree 100% let's be honest and stop playing games. Makes life so much easier.

Any chance of sharing some of thes "male mentality" jokes?

6:41 PM  

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