Wednesday, March 16, 2005

To a friend who asked.... yes, my wicked mind is contagious. Keep your's cool though, you aren't even 30 yet and the hormones multiply exponentially at 30 for us chicks - it's insane. In fact, I think I need to get a pool-boy. I don't need a pool, just a pool-boy. I need a vent before I drive my friends crazy with my neurotic/insomniac craziness.
(I'm so awful, and I used to be so sweet - I need a hormonectomy, seriously)

I am so broke, I have to raid my laundry quarters to buy my Ultimate Iron Man. I have $0 to last me from now until next check (on the 25th). I probably should have waited to send my insurance check in, instead of risking the zero-balance, but driving without insurance for so long makes me nervous. I'd like to be legal. I'm excited that I'll have insurance soon! Look at me, I'm legal! :)


Blogger The Grey Ghost said...

Who says pool boys are good lays?

5:55 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

No one that I know of, but it's a good term for a guy who is just there to perform a service.

I feel sleezy just saying that.

5:59 PM  
Blogger RahX said...

Ohhhh Poolboy....come hither!


1:48 PM  
Blogger shinanos said...

すばらしい!:) That's really a revolution of your life, Kat-san !!
As for me, still falling behind National Health Insurance...yes :9

5:36 PM  
Blogger RahX said...

I just thought of something. Weren't you legal like 14 years ago? :P

I'm bored don't mind me.

11:19 AM  

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