Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Weird Science

I read this article a week or a few weeks ago. I thought it was facinating, but a bit of an odd subject to discuss online so even I, in all my infinate blurtiness, kept that one to myself. But, on second thought... nah... to weird to keep to myself.

Most of you know I love science and love Scientific American like a 19 year old boy loves his playboy. especially the phsysics articles.

Ok - here's a weird fact for you.... darn, now I have to say the word. Ok, that's stuff... the "underpants navy" (funny name, I like that one) aka "baby batter" aka "sperm soup" is just full of all these hormones that can actually be absorbed by the woman during sex. As if "afterglow" isn't enough, these hormones (which through tests have been proven to show up in the woman's bloodstream shortly afterwards) work like anti-depressants.
So yes, guys... you can make her high. Pat yourselves on the back and be really proud of this great "service" you can provide for your honey. Of course, she can't absorb it if you're using protection and if it isn't THE one, you need to be using protection. Still, the fact is fascinating, isn't it? Learn somethin' new every day.

Should I start an additional blog? An educational one? Explain why most men think that women's fake orgasms are the real ones, and think the real ones are fake? (You silly men)
Nah... that's too much for a blog.
I'll stick to lame poetry and boring ramblings. oh yes, and I know... the fact that I can say the silly euphamisms but I can't say the technical terms for anything sexual, yes I know that's weird. But, I'm a weird gal.

Listening to: Free for all, Ted Nugent. before that was J-5.


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