gIve Me cOMics anD fudgE poPs or the xBoX gets iT.
I wilL send it tO you, Wire bY wire, Chip bY broKen CHip.
-tHe cHiCK
I wilL send it tO you, Wire bY wire, Chip bY broKen CHip.
-tHe cHiCK
Just me... writing, reading, rambling, drawing, thinking out loud and making typo's/spelling errors by the hoard.
Ghost left his x-box at my house, but he's swamped with finals. I haven't seen him or any of the guys in weeks. I'm behind on all the comics, no doubt. I've been cliff-hung for a while. :P
I miss everybody terribly.
I go to Richo's instead, a nice mellow pub, but I get hit on quite a bit and I have yet to find a person there who reads comics.
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