Thursday, May 12, 2005

"Heavy Fingers"

(a poem sparked, in part, by the title of an instrumental piece by PowellProject)

Your fingers amble heavily
over smoky ridges of memory
fogged by time,
damp with steam,
and steeped in weighted breaths.

Your touch is gentle to the skin
but heavy upon my recollection,
reaching through
the walls I’ve built,
tilting all the scales of reason.

Though still unfettered and unchained,
I am already taken to the mat,
pinned beneath
hefty sighs and gazes,
while suspended upon future’s grey mist.

Don’t take your hands too lightly,
based on mere physical composition.
Your fingers tread heavy
upon my open heart.
Move softly.


Blogger Unknown said...

I was very flattered to be trusted with creating the web site for PowellProject.Com
I've heard some of the music as individual tunes over a period of time, but to be able to listen, and absorb as a collection is fairly awesome.
Thank you, and never stop!

12:25 PM  

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