Thursday, May 19, 2005

Nee who?

According to the radio yesterday, this is how you come up with your Star Wars name: Take the last three letters of your first name, and spell them backwards. Add the model of your first car and you have your name. The planet you come from is whatever the last medicine you took was.

Hi, I’m Nee Skyhawk from the planet L-Carnatine. The force is with me.

Of course, there’s also the stripper-name rule… your first pet name and first street name. That makes my stripper name Kitty Kelly and my sister’s Rebels something…. What was the name of that road? Who knows. We were military brats so our family moved a lot.

So… what would your Star Wars name be? Answer quickly or I will say NEE! at you!


Blogger Spider in a Mason Jar said...

I am not so confident in this method, but I'll bite.
Lei Taurus, if using "Daniel"

Ynn Taurus, if using, "Danny"

Home planet: Ibuprofen, I guess.

6:23 AM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

We could probably come up with a better method, but then... this was what the DJ's said and DJ's should know, right? :P

9:08 AM  
Blogger The Grey Ghost said...

Ely Regal

1:42 PM  
Blogger RahX said...

Thats a great porn-star name.

Anyway, lets see.

Nit regal from the planet ibuprofen.

Carmel Wakefield. I'd need a sex change for that one to fit.

Theres a lot of similarities in the star wars names...

1:58 PM  
Blogger The Grey Ghost said...

My "stripper" name sounds like a drag name.

Red Tamarack

2:11 PM  
Blogger Ailyn said...

Yme Dart - lol, it think I like it. I may have just come up with a new alias.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Hope Happens said...

My Star Wars name is RIB ESCORT.

Hmmm... that would probably work as a stripper name as well.

5:49 PM  
Blogger tlm said...

Lea Accord from the planet Prilosec.

Not bad. :)

6:56 PM  
Blogger Spider in a Mason Jar said...

Sorry to say, but I think I have the best porn star name ("stripper"? I always heard it as the former).


Butch Goldenrod

I am not joking.

8:27 PM  
Blogger The Grey Ghost said...

I can vouch. The spider speaks the truth.

8:35 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

Yes, you get a prize. The prize is... uh... This BRAND NEW beautiful tic tac! That's right, folks!
ok, well... that's all I got.

Could be porn. Porn/stripping - it's all the same to me (ick)

9:12 PM  
Blogger Lever said...

Oh no...

I'm Lua Fiesta

from the planet Levmetamfetamine

(active ingredient in Vicks inhaler)

LMAO That's no name for a guy...

...but right-on for a female Porn Star

And Stripper-name is... Caesar Studland :D Doesn't beat Butch Goldenrod though LOL

7:20 PM  

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