Thursday, June 16, 2005

Jewelry for Health???

Every now and then, if my tummy is extra swollen my skin gets rashy from eating one too many forbidden Fig Newtons or the like, I find myself looking online for more answers to my Celiac questions. I happened across a little site that sells jewelry and stuff for Celiac Awareness. The woman who makes the little gifts and jewelry items has celiac as do her 2 kids.
-eeks, 3 people in one house with Celiac.... I would really hate to see that grocery bill.
Anyway, if you buy some of her stuff she donates 20% to various Celiac organization.

If you don't know what Celiac is, then you already know for a fact that awareness needs to be increased. My mom used to drag me to the doctor constantly as a child to the point where one stopped charging us and appologized profusely for not knowing what the problem was. I just pretended I wasn't throwing up all the time so mom would stop dragging me to the frickin doctors. "No mom, I wasn't puking in there. I was just ...uh... coughing." I only found out what was wrong with me when, at age 30, I heard about Celiac through my own research and specifically asked my Doc about it.
(side note, if I lived in Europe where the government pays for your healthcare, I would have been screened for Celiac by 15, like everyone else there is.)

All I ask is that you take a peak at her site. The jewelry is cute (especially if you love green like I do). The bookmark is very nice looking and would make an awesome gift for your favorite bookworm or student. For you, it's just picking up a cute trinket or two. For her, it's helping pay for more expensive gluten-free foods so her girls don't have to end up taking all their nourishment through an IV. For all celiacs, it could help contribute to better treatment, earlier diagnosis, etc... etc... Just check it out. If you like something, buy it. If not, forget about it and go eat your muffins. Eat a couple for me.


Blogger -G.D. said...

Just love this blog. Great read.

I'll check out the poetry too.

4:45 PM  

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