Thursday, June 09, 2005

Poetry, Art, Publishing ...

(or perhaps a more apt title "Why Google sucks")

I added AdSense to my site, but it's only showing adds for other b l o g s 's
HELLO, if you didn't already have your own you would probably not be looking at mine, correct?
They say it goes automatically off of what is on my site and cannot be manually altered.

So..... what? Instead of posting poetry I should just say the word Poetry 50 times fast?
Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry Poetry
read books read books read books read books read books read books read books

Of course, if you write your own, you are likely more interested in getting published.
publish publish publish publish publish publish publish publish publish publish publish

there... happy google?
I love Google. It's a handy-dandy tool, but that's just aggravating.

I'm not going to spell out on every fricking post "Hey, this is a poem." or "this is about a Comic Book" or "Hi, I like to write cuz I'm a writer, at least I want to be a writer. I'm also sort-of an artist, but not really"

Work is hellatious today, I just found out my closing is put off another week or so, so forgive me if I am highly frustrated. us POET s can be highly emotional, I suppose (even those obsessed with science)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should consider looking into using meta tags so that you can have keywords in your blog that are not visible to your readers.

Then you can have the benefit of "Poetry Poetry Poetry..." without suffering artistically.

Here is a link to a nice tutorial if you are interested:

5:27 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

THANK YOU!! I'll look into that for certain. :)

5:29 PM  

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