Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A note to the simpletons

For those of you who like to over-simplify in order to avoid thought:
No, my linking to the “left-wing” site in my prior post does not mean I’m “left-wing” or that I endorse the site. It means it is an interesting reference. I know of no political site on the internet that I can endorse 100% because, as far as I know, there is no such thing as an objective one. Even if there is, they are limited by information. We can postulate a hundred ways Kennedy died, debate whether or not the government had foreknowledge about Pearl Harbor and failed to act, the full story of 9/11, etc… How can I know? I wasn’t there. I will say this, though… if you think that the government wouldn’t let a bunch of people die in order to win support for a war, you are fooling yourselves. If you ASSUME that means they DID allow people to die just to win support for a war, you foolishly assume too much.

Some people want to believe our government is some altruistic force and never question its actions. Those people are gullible schmucks who fail to take responsibility for the actions of those whom they voted into power. Conversely, some will grasp at every conspiracy-theory straw they can imagine in order to have excuses to wail and moan. These people are whining brats.

I realize that many people who hit this site will not be able to evaluate statements for what they really say, but would rather attempt to sort them under popular generalized schools of thought. If that is you, and nothing I say can get you to turn on your brain, you may as well pass on by because I will only confuse you. You will not get my previous post, commending the writing skill and passion of Hunter S. Thompson, and will think I am calling him a role-model and encouraging his loud-mouth drug-addled behavior too (which I do not). The fact is, there are no gods among men. There is no model citizen you can aspire to copy. There is a community of minds who each have something to offer. Only by appreciating the best each has to offer, can you create an image worth aspiring too. Only by finding many of us sharing our strengths and respecting each other’s research and opinions will we learn anything. Learn what you can from whomever you meet, but accept no man’s word as gospel. Ask questions. Dig. Research. Inquire. THINK.


Blogger brad said...

we need more people like in higher places!
you have a sharp demeanor and a strong no-bullshit tolerance that is very admirable-
please do all you can to go far in life. seriously.

1:33 AM  

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