Thursday, August 04, 2005

To love the road you journey on

Stretched smooth upon the rolling earth,
paved promises taper gently into the horizon.
Grey ribbons drape softly over scene and scape,
inviting us to seek their curves, their leaps, their flights;
tempting us to flee into the night.

Sweetly calling, from where land kisses sky,
the road beckons and, together, we are drawn to ride.
Tomorrow’s beginning seems today like the brink.
From pools of tomorrows we draw, we drink.

The tires will hum, the engine drone.
The wind will rush, as we reach from home
to touch the seas of sights beyond,
to love the road we journey on.

The promise within no guarantees,
the shelter of simply roaming free…
Companions revel in the travelers bond
as we embrace the road we journey on.

(written by a true fan of the road-trip)


Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

Such simple words. Yet, such a powerful effect. This is a wonderful, poetic narrative.

9:42 PM  

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