Friday, August 12, 2005


Ignorance abounds among the masses, by choice.
People cower from thought, discussion, and observation.
How can they learn to add up the clues around them?
After calculating against eachother,
thinking only for one,
no one accountable for error;
their capacity to put two and two together
is so far gone
they think “truth” a four letter word.


Blogger Jaxe said...

Great point Twisted. I especially agree with

People cower from thought


4:04 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

Thanks, Jaxe. How do people keep from going nuts with frustration when they see this in people? Everywhere I look I see prejudgment, clique-attitude from small scale to governmental scale (or perhaps a feudal tribe attitude), hatred of truth and all who would speak it, people quick to hate and slow to comprehend... some times it just sickens me a little too much. I understand that we each have different strengths and I try to be patient and understanding, but humanity dissapoints me severely on a regular basis. Heaven knows I'm not perfect, but some things just seem SO obvious to me -yet everyone turns their heads to these things.
Anyway... thanks for stopping by. :)

4:09 PM  
Blogger Jaxe said...

I wish I could stop by more, but I don't like polluting the place with my words! :-)

We are all just so different. I agree with what you say though. I don't know why people can be this way. I've always tried to keep an open mind, respect other's opinions, and constantly learn from each other. After all, we get ONE shot at this thing. Let's enjoy it while we're here.

7:09 PM  

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