Saturday, September 17, 2005

She need only bat an eyelash
And you follow like a toy duck
On a short string.
The bubbly blonde bitch owns you,
Doesn’t she?
And who am I? Nothing.
The lover of your dreams is right there
At the bar,
On the bar,
In a tall, cool, slick glass,
I could dress, talk, strut my best…
What would it amount to
Next to the least conscious gesture
Of her dribbling gold?
Next to an inanimate pint of rotted wheat.
I am nothing
And you ask if I’m ok.
How can I be anything but fine?
What can I be?
You’ve proven I’m nothing.
You’ll prove it again
Every other night
How dare you ask how I am?
How can Nothing be?
What would it matter?
Whatever I say will soon be forgotten
In the arms of your amber-fermented love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! i just came here from Rahx's blog.....and I must say, I really like your stuff....the drawings...yours? very nice...and this post in particular....I can related to like no can be so shallow. cheers.

8:56 PM  
Blogger diana christine said...

oh, such a well-spoken, heavy piece...

of course, the time has come for her to move to finer one who has vision for the beauty that she holds. we mustn't allow a work of art to be kept hidden in a darkened gallery but taken to a newer, brighter place where the masterpiece is appreciated...

12:24 PM  
Blogger GK said...

Heheh. I like that part about the toy duck on a string.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I hope the person you wrote this for is listening ...

9:24 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

He always listens. Then he forgets as soon as his owner tugs at the leash.
It's frustrating. He's too good to be something's slave.

9:51 AM  
Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

Have you considered dying your hair blonde? I mean, you have tried a couple of other colors, haven't you?

: )

11:13 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

Blonde is my natural color.

9:36 AM  

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