Wednesday, September 14, 2005

View from New Albany Riverfront

Stephen took this one. This is the view from our home town, looking towards Louisville, KY.


Blogger RahX said...


Geeze sorry I've been neglecting my blogger friends, and blogger in general. So sorry.

But yeah, I'm in dire need of a haircut, but I'm keepin' the goatee and sideburns. Gotta leave something up there for winter :D

6:04 PM  
Blogger diana christine said...

the bridge is so grand, so majestic, and inspires such anticipation that we will cross into other worlds...

lovely view...

7:22 PM  
Blogger The Grey Ghost said...

the bridge is so grand, so majestic, and inspires such anticipation that we will cross into other worlds...

Heh. If she only knew where that bridge leads... :)

8:44 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

Ah, yes... if you keep right, it leads to wide, wide dixie highway...
where the mullets flow free and the stripclubs are more plentiful than fleas on an alleycat.
Takes a lot of the majesty out of it, doesn't it?

9:38 AM  

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