Thursday, November 17, 2005

Walked many a railway trellis;
cherished every one,
but the bridges spark and smoke
just to watch me run.
Never been afraid to start over,
take the world on with bare hands.
But just once I’d like to see
My future go by plan.
Reset, restart, back to square one-
I claw my way back every time.
But if the top holds nothing but the fall
There’s no reason left to climb.
Your grip falls slack,
You stop reaching out,
But I’m embarrassed to cry,
And ashamed to shout.
Make this peak I’ve scaled worthwhile-
Please mind your grip.
There’s no more climb left in me.
I fear the slip.


Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

Keep climbing! Don't quit!

I know the feeling. Just hang in there!

You capture this feeling so well in this stream-of-consciousness piece.

11:42 AM  

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