Friday, December 30, 2005

I had the best Christmas day ever...

...Because no one pressured me to celebrate anything. I “worked” at Richos with Stephen, although we were officially closed, while Stephen played some music and a few regulars joined us to down a few pints and eat some mighty fine chili that Stephen had made. I should say what beers I had, like Dave does, but I’m sure I’d spell them wrong. I have no memory for such details. I’m the analytical sort. I suck at memorization.
The Japanese beer was a tad too funky, but interesting at least. The double cream stout was quite good. The milk stout was drinkable, but didn’t impress me too much. We were out of Guinness, but I managed to enjoy other beers without getting sick, although I was mighty tired.

I had a great day. I attempted to sing some songs I could barely remember. I pigged out. I served a few pints (the first couple were sticky from spill-over, but I got the hang of it soon enough). I wore my hair in beer-maid braids for the heck of it. A good time was had by all. The night (as in late-night) sucked ass, but that is another story and I’ll leave it untold.

I should have asked dad to come by, but he was probably tied up in Christmas stuff with friends anyway. The company was still great. I got to see Misty (I rarely do) and hear her play again.
MISTY: If you’re reading this, call us. Almost a year without playing guitar, with your talent, is just plum criminal. Get off your lazy arse and come play with Stephen’s guitar and see our new house, eh?

Tomorrow is another holiday, and I hope to do my favorite holiday thing… enjoy the day without any pressure to make it a holiday. Have a great rest of the year, folks.

Listenin’ to: Blind Boys of Alabama
Eatin: carry out Zuppa Toscano from Olive Garden (yum)
About to: Go home, slap some make-up on, and go hang at Richos, I suppose. It hurts to draw, thanks to this $&%$!’n carpal tunnel, so Richo's sounds like the best option. Maybe I’ll hit the comic shop first.

Dave: You said to write about Richos more. Happy? :D


Blogger barenada said...

Happy? I just pissed myself!

You wrote about Rich O's, and you mentioned me by name! Woo hoo!

(If this shows up twice I'll be pissed.)

6:23 PM  
Blogger Ray said...

Man, the Blind Boys of Alabama are just so cool.

10:40 PM  
Blogger The New Albanian said...

Thanks for the kind words about the Saturnalia draft selection.

6:10 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

Ah, yes... you should be grateful, since I'm sure this exposure of the Richos name to my massive blog following will do wonders for your business. (kidding, of course)

Thanks for the great beers.

10:37 AM  

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