Monday, January 09, 2006


My name is Noggin and I’m a Comicaholic. It has been over a month since my last comic.

Because of being broke, I have halted all comic reading. I am mid-arch on so many stories, but have had to do without. I crave the mental reset I get from reading those refreshing tales woven among vibrant images. I have withdrawals for Bendis, Ellis, Robinson, Morrison, Ennis… all of them, at least the tales they tell. Even Orson Scott Card has one comic series out, and it’s been really good so far. I’ve yet to find one I like quite as much as Transmetropolitan, but that may always remain my favorite. When George (owner of Empire Comics in my home town) advertised gift certificates during the holidays, I almost wished I celebrated holidays, just out of greedy desire to get some comics.

I’ve sold a few trade paperbacks, recently. As great as the Preacher series was, it was a wee bit too sacrilegious for me to leave on the bookshelf, so I sold them. I had a duplicate of one of the The Authority tpb’s, so I sold it too. The majority of my collection I just can’t let go of. Yes, all my actual comic books are bagged and boarded, and stored in a box. I’m that big a nerd. But several of them were damaged in an ..uh… incident that involved me and a nearly 6-foot long Scottish Claymore sword –long story. I have more trade paperbacks than anything, though. That’s how I prefer to read comics. I could sell them, but you don’t get a whole lot out of them used. None of them are terribly old or anything, and I rarely get variant covers. I should try and get some of them signed, then sell them, just to fund my habit. But I know I wont. If I had signed ones, I’d keep them.

Hopefully, I can get my finances straightened out some in a month or so. Then I can maybe start reading comics again, but I’ll have to ration myself. No more reading 4 trade paperbacks the instant I get home from the shop. I just can’t afford that binge-reading.

PS: In case anyone hasn’t noticed, I now have a new site, where I post my poems, but without the rambling you see here. I also have a new site that has pictures from various hiking trips, but you’ll have to look on greymatteroeuvre for the link. It’s under Trip Pics, in the sidebar. I’ve barely started that one, though.


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