Monday, January 16, 2006

New Blogs

I'm sure you guys know I have that new poetry blog, Grey Matter Oeuvre. But, I also added another (the link to which is under Trip Pics on the Grey Matter Oeuvre site). It isn't a blog of one trip, like the Italy and Columbus ones were, but is a little hodgepodge of outdoorsy trips. I wish I had pictures from all my camping trips in the past and from salmon fishing in Alaska and fly fishing with dad as a wee girl, but I rarely took pictures back then and the salmon-trip pictures probably got left behind at my first ex's house. It's a shame. The woods in Alaska were BEAUTIFUL. We were just on the southern edge, in a city called Ketchican (sp?), but it was gorgeous. Everything was mossy and green and there were wild blueberry bushes everywhere, just popping with plump indigo treats. The fish I caught were as long as my arm. I didn't even mind cleaning all the fish while my ex-husband went inside to do whatever he was doing. I just loved being out there. If only I had pictures of that trip. *sigh*
Anyway... The Hiking blog is Live Life Deliberately . There are lots of waterfall pictures and stuff, but I intend to fill it out much more this summer. Many of the pics on there now are winter pics, too, so some greener scenes will be nice to add.
It's a shame I no longer see the people I used to cave with. Some spelunking photos might be neat to share, since this area is great cave country. I like the kind of cave that makes you contort through all those crazy keyholes and such. Those can be a lot of fun (and great during hot summer days, because it's still in the low and gentle 50's underground).
Anyway... go outside. Get muddy, if it isn't too cold where you are. Enjoy the woods a bit.


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