Friday, April 21, 2006

bumper stuck

People are so stuck on bumper stickers, lately.
And all these ribbons... I want to start selling car-ribbons that support C.A.B.S. (citizens against bumber stickers).

Admittedly, I wouldn't mind having the one, though, that says "preserve nature... pickle a squirrell". That I rather like. I do have a Medeski Martin & Wood sticker on my car, now, but that's enough. One is my limit.

A friend of mine asked me about a bumper sticker he saw, today. It said “If it’s NOT A BABY, you’re NOT pregnant!”, and he didn’t get what it meant. I explained that it was a pro-life sticker, and what pro-choice dictum it was attempting to rebut, but I still found the sticker quite idiotic.

Now, If I was going to put a pro-life sticker on my car, it would just say:

If you can kill someone for being in your belly,
Then can I shoot you for riding my ass?

It's simple, it's to the point, and it reminds you to stop reading my bumper before I slam on my breaks and make your insurance buy me a new car.


Blogger Ray said...

You know, I REALLY like your pro-life bumper sticker!

3:48 PM  
Blogger TwistedNoggin said...

thanks. :)

Personally, I think it is way too big a subject to be reduced to catchy slogans on stickers, but if I were to have a sticker for that subject, that be it right there. :)

10:13 AM  

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