Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Does it make me a sick individual? In some ways, I really LIKE working two jobs. Sure, I’m worn out, I hate that I have no time for anything or anyone, and I’m not making much money as a waitress. But, I get a rush of confidence and pride knowing I’m doing it, and I’m doing it pretty well. I am not a sickly wimp. Ha ha! Take that, world! I am still She-ra!

I think the boost of confidence has helped my performance at my first job. I’ve been working like a dog and not getting distracted at all. Plus, I’ve been getting commercial files more, which makes the job enjoyable. I love commercial real estate because it’s just something different, and a bit more complicated. Makes me feel special and challenged, as cheesy as those things may be.

The Effexor I’m taking now is also helping. I don’t know if it’s enough, but it is helping. It causes some drowsiness, but I’m hoping that side effect will wear off as my system adjusts to it. One down side of the Effexor, though… I think it has decreased my alcohol tolerance. I got totally hammered Saturday night off of 4 very weak beers (bottles, not even pints). I was a bit embarrassed a) that I got drunk and b) that I was such a lightweight. Oopsie! Well, I didn’t know that my tolerance had changed. Guess I will have to be more careful in the future.

This post is dedicated to Dave, whom has loyally been checking my site regularly, despite my failure to post. Thanks Dave. J If you all get bored and are disappointed that I don’t post regularly, check out his site at You might even read about me there, on rare occasion. I am doo-rag girl. J

Well, I need to get out of here so I can see my honey. I don’t get to see him enough these days.
Live long and prosper,
England prevails,
Mutant power,
And all that jazz,


Blogger barenada said...

Thanks for finally posting, and double-thanks for the dedication.

8:11 AM  

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