Status Report
My poison ivy kept getting worse instead of better, despite antihistamines and pouring alcohol over it constantly, and then started to spread all over. For the last couple days I was also weak and tired and sickly feeling, so I listened to some good advice and went to the doc. He said it was the worst case he'd seen all year. He said that creams and shots wouldn't cut it for me. He put me on 13 days worth of steroids and antihistamines. In only one day (6 steroid pills and a antihistamin), it is already TONS better. I just took these grody pics. It actually looks worlds better, now. My hand was covered in big translucent oozing blisters, but they have all shrunken down and it hurts far less. Pretty, eh?
Harry is doing well, but during the few hours a day that he is locked up in the bathroon, he tries really hard to open the door by mouthing the doornob. It is now a chewed up mess. Other than that, he has been excellent.
Harry is doing well, but during the few hours a day that he is locked up in the bathroon, he tries really hard to open the door by mouthing the doornob. It is now a chewed up mess. Other than that, he has been excellent.
Now, it is after 2am and I've GOT to fall asleep. I worked till midnight again so I haven't been able to wind down. I still didn't get enough done. I went home at 7 and walked/ran/excersized/fed/played with the dog. Had to. Then went back to work, but didn't get there till 9:30pm.
Now I've GOT to fall asleep!!! Wish me luck.
Wow, I'm pretty allergic to poison ivy and I'm getting itchy just looking at it. I've had it bad like that once so I can empathize...crap, I itch!!!...and I hope you recover very, very soon!
Yuk. Poison Ivy. I feel your pain.
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