Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Woke up with a nasty battery-acid-like vurp. My stomach is apparently not handling the steroids well (that I’m taking for the massive poison-ivy outbreak). So, I took something for my belly, reset the alarm to go off in another 15 minutes, and went back to bed. Well over an hour later, I woke up to see that my alarm never went off again. So, I had no time to take Harry for a walk and I was sure to be at least a few minutes late for work. I tossed clothes on and didn’t even brush my teeth (gross). Then, there was a wreck on the way to work to hold me up more. So, I was 14 minutes late in getting to my desk. If anyone out there is bored enough to follow my life, they know that I simply can’t afford to be late to work. Ack!

Not a good morning, thus far.

My holiday sucked because the steroids have made me sick. I was excited about working on the house, some, but was too sick to get to do it. Right now, I feel like someone has twisted my intestines tightly around a wrench and keeps shooting them with a spaz-ray. I am nauseous, anxious, occassionally panicky-feeling, dizzy, and tired (apparently, this stuff causes insomnia too). But, enough whining.

At least I have the greatest pooch in the world to go home to. He’s always happy to see me and thinks I’m the greatest thing since fresh chicken and tracking rabbits. He makes a day better, always. :)


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