Sunday, August 13, 2006

Shark Attack

The shark became aggressive, swimming right at me...

Then, I breathed a sigh of releif as he passed to my right....

But, just as I thought I was safe, he took Victoria instead.
Fortunately, the one that got Victoria was stuffed, but we were still glad to have survived the ordeal.

With a renewed zest for life and adrenaline surging through our veins, we moved on to the allegator pit, me on my own two feet, and Victoria on her new cyber-body (she had to be reconstructed from the rib-cage down).

Then, while we were sharing our thoughts of the ordeal together, an alligator took advantage of out inatention and snatched poor Anistasia from our very midst. We will all miss her sorely, but I have this one last photo to remember her by.


Blogger Carl V. Anderson said...

All those pictures are great but this last one is hilarious!!!

8:25 AM  

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