Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Slightly better pics, I hope

My first painting since the mid/early 90's

My second, though it is gay

My third, which is a tiny 5" by 8"


Blogger Carl V. Anderson said...

Very cool. The first reminds me of the painted work of Daniel Brereton, a comic book artist I really like. (Hope that doesn't offend...some people don't consider comic or graphic art real art but I am not one of them).

I like the colors on the second one but have to be honest...can't tell if its a boy or girl...the outfit looks female but the character looks male to me...looks like the guy from the anime Bleach which and actually is well done...if it is supposed to be a guy that is.

Third is great as well, like I said yesterday, sexy. The pose and her outfit remind me of Robert McGinnis illustrations.

2:27 PM  
Blogger Carl V. Anderson said...

In response to your response on my site, I just don't see it. I've seen pics of you on this site and you are cute...don't see the cuteness in number two. As I said in my first comments, it is well done so I'm not criticizing your painting skill, I just don't see you in it.

I knew I'd feel bad about comment number 2 but it really does look like the bleach guy to me and I love that anime so I think its really fun...sure hope I didn't hurt your feelings though.

5:07 PM  
Blogger RahX said...

Oh my I love that first one!

6:39 PM  

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