Many people are saddened by what they are coining “the war on Christmas”. Of course, I have not seen any war on Christmas yet, but I presume they are referring to the fact that companies are attempting to be equally polite to both people who do and people who don’t celebrate Christmas, by using more “vague” holiday greetings and such. Being fair to those who don’t celebrate it can hardly be construed as an attack on those who do, but we do live in a world where people are threatened by the knowledge than anyone in the world might possibly disagree with them.
I think the reason many people feel insulted by these recent changes is they fear it represents a mass back-turning on Christianity and perhaps even spirituality itself. Yes, there is most certainly a decline in spirituality in the modern world. Of course, Christians expect that, however unpleasant it may be, because it was foretold in the bible.
So, true Christians are all appalled at the world’s moral decline, just as the Muslims and Jews, and Buddhists are appalled at it, but then… someone is still watching Springer, so some people must enjoy our moral decline. I doubt that these people who wallow in moral depravity and relish it as great entertainment are the ones against Christmas, though, so let’s figure out who is… after all, a lack of moral stature doesn’t make you hate trees with lights on them, even if it might make you too lazy to put one up.
So, Why would anyone be offended by Christmas? Really, I kind of doubt that the atheists are terribly offended by Christmas. They may not care about it or associate it with spiritual things, but all the atheists and agnostics I’ve known have still been a-ok with drinking egg-nog and hanging lights. They may not participate in every aspect of Christmas, but I doubt they’d be offended by it enough to care if the checkout lady said “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”. So, who could be offended by Christmas?
Well, if you are odd man out every year because you are Jewish, then even if you aren’t offended by Christmas, you would probably appreciate being properly recognized as a person who’s equal and who’s right to their beliefs is thereby equal. And before any “Christians” look down their noses on Judaism, please let’s remember what religion Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus WERE, ok? I’m not Jewish and I’m not saying they are right, but we could certainly show a little respect.
A brief aside; One “Christian” looked down on Jews because they, in HIS words “murdered their own messiah”. Before you go feeling all superior, let’s keep in mind that the largest and most popular variety of so-called “Christianity” in the world used to skin people alive for owning copies of the Bible. This seems highly unchristian to me, but since it is ancient history and I am weak and a sinner, I’ll hold onto these stones, for now. Stones make better landscaping around glass houses than they do projectiles, anyway. Just please check out your own houses, too, before you throw any rocks.
I can think of why some people would find Christmas offensive, but it seems to me that the people most likely to find it offensive would be Christians. We all know about the history of Christmas, that Jesus could not have been born at this time of year, that the tree is a pagan tradition, etc… and that the celebration was created to appease or under influence of the “converted” pagans. But, regardless of it’s origin, it has since become a tradition to attach different meanings to these symbols. No matter what the Christmas tree and Easter Bunny once were, they now remind some people of their religious affiliations. Because of this, I can respect why people celebrate Christmas. There is some logic to that reasoning and I hope they enjoy their eggnog and presents. I sincerely do.
Yes, I respect YOUR right to chose what these symbols mean to you. But, in turn, you should expect MY right to take no part in something I find offensive spiritually. To me, celebrating Christmas would be like bowing to pagan Gods, then having the nerve to pretend I wasn’t bowing, but just dancing in joy for Jesus. To do an act traditionally pagan and stamp Jesus’ name on it, feels like blasphemy to me. That seems as sacrilegious to me as putting a satanic symbol on a chain and renaming it the Jesus Star.
I’m not saying you’re evil if you celebrate Christmas or trying to put you down, but anyone with half a brain could see I have just as valid a reason for my beliefs as you do for yours. I don’t shove my beliefs down your throat or expect you to offer your condolences to me that it is, again, that month in which I must endure a world satiated with what I find morally dark and spiritually depressing. So don’t be offended that I don’t wish you a happy Christmas. When people all sing carols and talk holidays, I just bow out of the conversation. Of course, the holidays feel to me like strolling through a satanic goat-sacrifice might to you, but I know that the individuals who participate in Christmas actually mean well so I never get angry or take it personally, no matter how uncomfortable it is for me. I try never to be insulting or inconsiderate. When Christmas is in every angle of every view and on every tongue of passers-by, I stay out of it, but never take it as a personal attack (of course) So, it really steams me to hear people get their feathers ruffled because “Merry Christmas” banners aren’t strewn across every store front, as if they assume the entire world should bow to their feelings, but no one else’s matter.
I normally keep my mouth shut about a lot of this, unless I am asked, in order to be considerate of the many good people who love this holiday, since I wouldn't want to dampen their joy. But then, to be offended that their holiday doesn't carpet the planet as a universally accepted beleif? That's just too much. I mean, come on. I still respect your right to celebrate it. Respect my right not to. Who is offended by Christmas? I am. Why? Because I’m a Christian.
Now go and have a lovely December, whatever you chose to do with it, but leave your huffing, eye-rolling, and pompous egocentric need to have all humanity bow to your wishes at home. I sincerely wish for you all to have fun and enjoy your time together, but try to show some Christian attitude by showing a little more consideration and a little less bile.
Take care. Stay warm, and show a little love to your fellow man this month (and every month). Thank you for listening.